Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Hippie Oasis

 Stayed in ths very funky Airbnb called the Hippie Chic Oasis, out in the middle of nowhere in western Kansas. The decor and plants were so groovy it blew my mind!  You can read more about it on my Free the Human Beings blog HERE.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

This Rug Is Fire

 Is that a sun?  

No, just a cool 1970's era rug that looks like it's bursting with hot plasma and solar radiation.  

Zooming in for a closer view....

Areas of  heat ring the nuclear core....

 The fringe shoots out like gamma rays....

  Closer still, into the maw of the epicenter.......ahhhhhh!!!!!!!


About Me

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Hi I'm Simone, my nickname is Mony and I create Monybaloney -- cartoons, videos, ramblings, etc...made from mechanically separated suspect meats. Welcome to my blog, where pandeMONYum ensues!